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Chef apologizes for alligator tofu mix-up

Vegan students were in an uproar last week after it was revealed that a Dining Services staff member mistook a bag of alligator meat for tofu. The chef was a new staff member who did not have much experience in the kitchen.

“I was just getting into work, and it was 7 a.m., so I was not thinking clearly.”

Chef Alyssa Johnson.

“I mislabeled the two bags. They were placed next to each other,” Johnson said. She wanted to come forward and formally apologize. “It did not feel right sitting on my conscience to not say what I did. My sister is vegan, and I know that she would just be devastated by this news,” she said.

Vegan student Suzanne Kinley (‘21) was the first person to bring this to the attention of Dining Services on the day of the incident. “I felt really weird after having my salad,” she said. “It was extra chewy. So I went up to the manager right away to ask them what kind of tofu they had used.”

After Kinley’s questioning, Christopher Knott, senior manager of dining services, went into the kitchen to check what type of tofu it was. He immediately recognized the mistake. The bag labeled “tofu” was filled with the alligator meat that they had been planning on testing out in a new recipe.

The dining staff admitted to serving approximately 50 servings of the alleged “tofu” caesar salad before it was revealed that they had mixed up the tofu with alligator meat. Kinley approached the manager on duty at the time with her concerns, and the manager addressed the situation immediately. “I went right over to the station and shut it down,” said Knott. “We are deeply regretful for any discomfort we may have caused our students.”

April Fools! The content in this article is meant to be read in satire and does not represent the opinions of The Sandspur, its staff, or Rollins College.

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