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GPFF Review: Femme

Global Peace Film Fest is an annual event held in Orlando. This year members of the RCC 100: Writing About Social Justice and Community class attended and wrote reviews on a selection of the films. Read all reviews here.

At first impression, one may pin Emmanuel Itier’s 2012 film, Femme, as your typical feminist push for women’s rights and equality. Although the film does touch on this, it also goes deeper into the issue. Femme explores the idea that peace for the world must not only start with empowering women and taking control of patriarchy, but it must also make the point to teach men how to embrace their feminine, caring side to create overall universal human beings. The film also goes on to explain that this is not just limited to men; women must also learn to embrace their masculine sides as well. Until then, the world will always be ruled by either patriarchy or feminism, creating an imbalance that will prevent the possibility of true peace.

Femme tackles these important ideas by integrating numerous interviews with women of all backgrounds and educations. This gives the documentary a slightly less serious angle and leaves the viewer feeling educated but not overwhelmed with emotion. Although, there were at times some animations and special effects that can only be described as random and irrelevant to the context and feel of the documentary.

The variety of women that present their cases represent the universal concept of the documentary, but the most moving and surprising aspect to the documentary is that no matter where the women came from or what they have been educated in, they all have the same opinion and position on the issue at hand, allowing Itier to fully support his point that it is time the world began to change. This above all is the largest success of the documentary.







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