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LLC’s Learn to Laugh Together

On Friday, Feb. 25, 16 Liv­ing Learning Community resi­dents were given the oppor­tunity to spend a night at SAK Comedy Club for free.

The night was hosted by Stephen Kadwell, while the other six performers broke into two teams in a style similar to RIP Tag with Jay Hopkis, John Hunter, and Chase Padgett on one team, and Greg Yates, Sarah Hanchar, and Rollins’ own Da­vid Charles (Dr. D) on the other team.

The two teams rotated play­ing different games through­out the night. The evening was highly entertaining, often with some of the best jokes coming from the audience.

One of the more priceless moments of the evening oc­curred when a young girl to­ward the back of the audience was asked to name a song she listens to for a game entitled, “Children’s Song.” She eagerly answered “Tik Tok” by Ke$ha. Hopkis, Hunter and Padgett performed versions of the song amazingly well in three unique forms: country, normal chil­dren’s song, and 80’s rock (Jour­ney-esque).

Later on, the audience once again created a few laughs when Charles asked for the names of countries that did not speak English for a game called “Jibberish,” and he immediately received two answers – Austra­lia and England.

Other games kept the night moving, with great perfor­mances by Yates, Hanchar, and Charles during “Blind Type­writer,” where Yates went off­stage to narrate a story about jellyfish being acted out by Hanchar and Charles onstage.

Only once did the play­ers lose their amazing streak; during “Alliteration,” Hopkis, Hunter and Padgett seemed to get a little lost in the A’s, G’s, and Qu’s, making it difficult for the audience to remotely un­derstand what the players were saying. While the plot appeared humorous, the complete lack of comprehension caused many audience members to lose inter­est.

The final game, “Interna­tional Sign Language,” per­formed by Hopkis, Hunter and Padgett, truly stole the night. While Hopkis and Hunter dis­cussed psychology in a talk-show manner, Padgett signed every word of the show.

He mimed everything from the Oedipus complex to a child in a straightjacket. His perfor­mance was amazing, bringing most of the audience mem­bers to tears because they were laughing so hard.

SAK Comedy Club per­forms at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays and Sat­urdays as well as on Fridays and Saturdays at 11:30 p.m. Admission is $12 for students to general shows and $7 for the 11:30 p.m. Saturday night show. Charles teaches an improv class on campus, and their group, the Rollins Improv Players, can be seen performing similar shows for free in the Fred Stone The­atre.

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