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The Rollins Night Life in “DT” Orlando

Local clubs tend to be filled with Rollins students many days of the week. First-years quickly learn from upperclassmen that it is not as smart or fun to attend clubs in Downtown Orlando on a night when club attendance is not going to be monopolized by Rollins students. An upperclassmen stated, “It is much sketchier and [there] are a lot of creepy men.”

Despite the alleged shadiness, many students just enjoy getting dressed up and going out dancing. As Zabrina Vogelsang ’14 said, “Any club can have an incredible atmosphere depending on the people you are with. It’s all about what you make of it.”

It is difficult to rate which club, students rate their favorite because with a variety of students comes a variety of preferences. Some prefer the insane crowd of Roxy with its large abundance of drunken college kids, although that does not seem hard to find at any club. Yet, Roxy also has a reputation of being dirty.

Many students also went out recently to Dragon Room, a smaller club downtown, but several mentioned that they did not stay long. Anna Mantero ’14 described Dragon Room as “like a high school dance, but the shadiness gives it more of an edge.”

Most students enjoy going out downtown to the clubs, but there is always the question of how to get there. Getting a taxi can be difficult, but for those without cars on campus that is often the only option. On nights when tons of students go out, taxis cover the campus, waiting outside the halls for students to squeeze as many of their friends as they can into the back seat.

“It is unfortunate that students must travel to local clubs, given the school’s strict policy on drinking, but the clubs provide a relaxed and social atmosphere that Rollins lacks,” Greg Pierson ‘12 said. Perhaps this is part of the reason students find going to the clubs and meeting new people worth the hassle of finding a ride downtown or paying for a taxi. Heading downtown is certainly a part of the average Rollins student’s nightlife and often leads to memorable experiences with new friends.

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