It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Of course I’m talking about Christmas, duh. No, just kidding. This is the month where we incessantly stuff ourselves with turkey and be thankful for all our wonderful blessings. Of course, when I mentioned the most wonderful time of the year, I was obviously directing my intention towards final exams early next month. As we rapidly approach December and the end of fall semester, here are some helpful tips on how to make your last few weeks stress-free.
1. Do not procrastinate:
We’re hitting the last few weeks of the semester. I know you’re obviously dragging every 10-page paper you have to turn in for each and every one of your classes and quite frankly – you’re over it. You’re over writing papers. You’re mentally drained and you just want to karate-chop the table that contains the stack of piled-up homework, into pieces. Although, believe me, It’ll be so rewarding when you receive those stellar grades and you know you made the effort to turn all your work in on time. So put your priorities into perspective, and at least try to get all your assignments out of the way first. Don’t be that one person who’s up until 4 A.M. writing a paper that’s due the next morning.
2. Be on time:
I get it. You have to get your morning cup of coffee or you won’t be able to function properly. You’ll have some type of mental breakdown if you don’t get to class with that white cylinder-shaped cup with the clearly displayed green logo on the front. Yeah, I’m talking to you – Starbucks aficionados. Be on time. Make good use of all the great opportunities not only Rollins, but your professors provide for you as well. Use your tools wisely; that’s why they are there.
3. Get a good amount of hours of sleep:
And when I say a ‘good amount of hours’ – no, I don’t mean 4 after you’ve been completely hung-over and wasted from the party that happened the night before. I mean roughly 7-8. And no, my intent isn’t to transform myself into your mother – but it wouldn’t kill all of us to be well rested for class. I’m all for naps but the last thing you want to do is become nocturnal. Instead of your energy diminishing, make an attempt boost it up as these weeks go by. Don’t only do this for one day. Keep it consistent.
4. Meet up with your professors:
Schedule a conference, talk to them after class, and ask what you can do to bring up your grade. You still have time to recover your grade even if it’s as sinkable as the Titanic itself. Unlike the ship, you can revive the letter grade. Use these last few weeks to your advantage and step it up.
5. Stress less:
It only causes you a pack-load of anxiety and no one wants to be that one person whose dramatically freaking out about every assignment left that’s due. Although one way to avoid stress to the maximum is if you plan beforehand, finish assignments as soon as you can, and use your time management skills to the best of your ability. This doesn’t mean you won’t entirely experience a mental breakdown during the week of finals, but it’ll help tone it down a notch.
6. Reward yourself after you meet your goals:
Party all you want, buy yourself a nice Rollins hoodie at the Bookstore, go out to dinner with girlfriends or bros. It’s perfectly okay to take breaks in between study sessions or jog right afterwards, but always remember to not lose focus. A-grades on your college transcript aren’t given – they’re earned.
7. Study first and party second:
Who’s with me? No one? No? Okay. On to the next.
8. Remind yourself why you are here:
Sometimes it can become incredibly easy to get sidetracked. Friends, parties, weekends. Yeah, college is supposed to be a huge ball of fun and excitement but don’t forget why you came to Rollins in the first place. Perhaps the beautiful campus had some influence on that decision, but know you came here because you felt the college fit your educational aspirations. So, don’t accept mediocrity. Don’t strive for a C in your class and be fully content. If you’re going to go all way, do it. In my utmost attempt to be extraordinarily corny – it’s like they say: go big or go home.
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