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Opinion: Break into healthy spring break habits

Graphic by Francisco Wang

Welcome back, students! We hope your spring semester has been running smoothly so far. This is our fourth edition of What’s Up Wellness, a column created by the Wellness Ambassadors to help you navigate life’s unpredictable twists and turns.

Spring break is just around the corner, and as we all prepare to go home, travel, or stay on campus, taking care of ourselves should always be our top priority.

However, there is no need to stress; here are a few tips on how to stay healthy and comfortable during our much-needed break.

Physical Wellness Tips:

With the temperature rising and the sun shining, it is crucial to follow the foundational rules of dealing with the sun. Remember to apply at least a 30 SPF sunscreen every two hours, drink water to stay hydrated, and try your best to take breaks from the sun. If you are heading to the beach, wearing sunglasses and hats is a stylish way to protect yourself from constant sunlight. As an extra precaution, bringing your own umbrella will give you your own patch of shade in case the heat becomes too much to handle. In regards to COVID-19, if you haven’t gotten vaccinated or your booster shot yet, the Wellness Center is a great resource to make your appointment!

Mental Health Tips:

The Rollins Mental Health Helpline is a resource available twenty-four-seven for students to talk to a counselor whenever they need. TogetherAll is another great program: it is an online chat room for students to share their experiences with others. One other new addition to the Wellness Center’s resources is WellTrack, an interactive self-help app to track and analyze your moods and mental health. Students are able to sign up for each software for free with their Rollins email. 

If these do not work for you, practicing your own self care can include spending time with yourself, meditating, journaling, going for walks, picking up a hobby, and much more. These are great ways to take a break and put your mind at ease.

Study Tips:

As a fellow student myself, I know how important academic and extracurricular work can be. Although we are on spring break, if you are planning to get ahead for the upcoming weeks, you should do so in small increments of time. Scheduling study or homework blocks and sticking to your system are efficient ways to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Mixing work with relaxation breaks will help you complete your work at a comfortable pace. If you can, try and study with a friend or two for extra support. Just be sure to not overwork yourself during the upcoming week because, after all, it is called spring break for a reason!

We hope these tips help you feel more comfortable with handling our upcoming spring break.

Well wishes from your favorite Wellness Ambassadors.

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