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PangeaSeed Back in Action

PangeaSeed Rollins has renewed its fight on shark finning and is eager to start putting an end to this horrific practice. PangeaSeed was started in Japan in 2009 with the ultimate goal of ending shark finning all over the world. Shark finning is the removal and retention of shark fins and often times the shark is still alive before being tossed back into the water. Without its fin the shark is unable to swim and sinks to the bottom where it will be eaten alive by other fish.

With so many shark enthusiasts at Rollins, PangeaSeed is an organization that is of great interest to students. This year the club is being given new life by sophomore Wynona Barbera. “Our main goal with the Rollins group is to end shark finning in Florida. Obviously ending it all over the world would be nice, but we have to start small.” Barbera said.

When the club was first started at Rollins two years ago, it was the only PangeaSeed chapter in the United States.

“All of us at PangeaSeed are ecstatic to collaborate with the students at Rollins College and we encourage more students to support current campus efforts. PangeaSeed is growing and it’s only natural that we expand our message through avenues that align with our values,” said PangeaSeed Founder and Managing Director, Tre’ Packard. “Given Florida’s relationship with the ocean and marine life, this collaboration seems like a logical step forward regarding PangeaSeed student alliances.”

PangeaSeed sells artwork to support its cause and raise awareness about the devastation that shark finning does not only to the sharks themselves, but the whole ecosystem that gets disrupted because of it. The Rollins group is hoping that it too can incorporate artwork in spreading their message throughout the school and community. “We have been talking to art majors about teaming up with us and we’re excited to maybe have art displayed and for sale on the Green at some point.” said Barbera.

PangeaSeed Rollins has a lot of activities in the works for this coming school year, ranging from a shark themed movie night, to, and most excitingly, getting a group together to go down to Miami to tag sharks with professors from Rollins and the University of Miami.

PangeaSeed Rollins is still in the process of gaining a presence on campus and it is always looking for new members. Keep an eye out for forthcoming information from them or check out the facebook page: PangeaSeed Rollins. Shark finning is something that is going to have a great and negative impact on the ocean if something isn’t done to put an end to it.

“You can support and join initiatives like PangeaSeed Rollins because it all boils down to education and awareness,” Packard said. “Educate yourself and spread the word – tell your friends and family because it all begins with you.”

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