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Poster Competition Broadens Political Awareness

06-01_main poster

Students put social issues into perspective through creative posters.

The Business and Social Entrepreneurship courses have met and exceeded the expectations set by administration and students. With courses aligning with business principles and social responsibility, the curricula frequently revolve around the notion of how students can impact the world, starting with themselves. From my own experiences in SEB 200: Social Entrepreneurship and Leading Change with Dr. Michelle Stecker, I can say that I have experienced a positive shift in my professional and personal self. I would recommend the course to anyone.

But, Dr. Tonia Warnicke’s SEB 220: Global Development course showcased work last week and appears to be equally as worthwhile. To be honest, though I intended to stroll through Galloway Room and get a feel of the event, I did not expect much since I am not a geopolitical expert. I was pleasantly surprised with the experience, however.

I casually strolled over to  the poster of Alexios Venieris ’15 since he was a familiar face. Unfortunately, his poster’s content was still entirely foreign to me. Botswana? Yeah, fun to say, but I was clueless.

However, Venieris explained that the economy has abundant stagnant capital due to a cultural lack of domestic business. He suggested the country invest in tourism and move itself away from its infamous “blood diamond” industry. Botswana is not the underdeveloped nation of Hollywood portrayal; it is a country of unlocked potential, I learned.

Perusing this poster among many, I learned about the prospects of economy, civil rights, and business in a global context that was interactive, comfortable and (dare I say) enjoyable. There were exhibits on Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe; no region was unable to develop, according to this event.

I enjoyed the presentations that the class displayed, and was proud to see my peers inventing solutions to daunting and complex issues in such a short period of time. Despite being in course overload territory, I could still see myself becoming passionate about this course one day and even hitting up Botswana.

Photo by Tonia Warnicke


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