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‘Unabbreviated’ celebrates senior art

Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 11.18.41 AMThe Cornell Fine Arts Museum (CFAM) is now hosting the senior studio art exhibit for the class of 2016. Art from graduating seniors will be displayed in the museum from April 16 through May 8.

The title of the exhibit, Unabbreviated, was chosen by the class, according to Caroline Arrigoni ’16.

“Our class chose the title of the exhibit, and since we had very distinct mediums and styles was a hard choice. After many discussions and ideas, we came up with the title Unabbreviated,” Arrigoni said. “We decided on this title because of its definition, and we thought it connected all of our works together as a whole. Since our works are related to deep meanings, ideas, and issues of our world, they make up something that is not shortened or abbreviated.”

Katharine Harvard ’16 also commented on the importance of this title.

“We choose this title because all of our works are different and none follow the same themes,” she said. “We believed that a title would limit what people saw in the works and how they perceived them. Therefore, my works tie into the title because they are a piece that makes a whole. Rather than standing out alone, it creates a meaning of a total show while still holding true to its own meaning.”

The pieces in the exhibition were developed over the last academic year as part of the seniors’ portfolios.

“All of the works in the exhibit, including mine, were created as a culmination of all the work that we, seniors, have done throughout the year,” said Harvard.

Arrigoni also mentioned the timeline of this past year, commenting on how the pieces have evolved.

“We have been working a year on these works, coming upon different themes, ideas, issues and last-minute changes,” she said. “The first semester served as a time for us to explore our themes and subject matter, creating an array of works. Then this semester was the final finish line, where we had to have everything ready by the time of spring break.”

After the students finished their pieces, they were taken to the Cornell Fine Arts Museum and installed in the exhibition.

Jacob Bailes ’16 noted the installation process, “The process for preparing for the exhibition at CFAM was intense. The museum staff was incredibly helpful and provided a large amount of assistance during install.”

The seniors each offered congratulatory words for their peers on the exhibition during the opening last Friday night.

Arrigoni was happy to see all of her colleagues’ works fi- nally on display, sharing, “It was a unique experience, and being able to see all the different people from kids, elderly, couples and students attending was extraordinary.”

“I thought all of the work looked great in the space,” Bailes said. “I thought everyone’s work fit well within the show, and sparked a dialogue among the viewers.”

“Everyone worked very hard and deserved this wonderful opportunity to display their works to the public,” Harvard added.

Unabbreviated will be open through Commencement.

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