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Pre-health meets service in Global Medical Brigades

The Rollins Global Medical Brigades chapter provides the perfect opportunity for club members and Rollins College students to participate in an annual volunteer opportunity. Any students interested in participating in nine days of service this summer are encouraged to apply. This community-service excursion involves volunteering at a free community medical/dental clinic run in a rural Honduras community and building “eco-stoves” to reduce lung disease.

Dominic Pompeo, the current president of the Rollins GMB chapter, participated in the first Rollins GMB trip that took place last year: “On [last year’s] trip, four students (myself included) and our current faculty advisor, Mike Rainaldi, went to Honduras. Once there, the entire trip was very well organized. Our clinic saw over 500 patients, each and every person receiving antibiotics to fight common waterborne infections. Any person who desired to see a dentist was given access. Being able to help those who really need assistance is what makes the effort here at home all worth it.”

The upcoming service trip will provide a great opportunity for pre-health students to receive first-hand exposure to clinical care in a non-profit medical center. Students will also have the chance to make a real difference through volunteer work.

While there has been an active GMB chapter at Rollins for several years now, this year will mark only the second volunteer trip the group has been able to participate in. The on-campus GMB organization has raised almost $1,500 in fundraising efforts through 5K races, Spirit Nights at BurgerFi, and supply drives over the last semester to help assure that this trip can once again be possible.

All students who have availability and the desire to participate from May 16-24 should seriously consider joining in this great opportunity to augment Rollins’ mission of global citizenship and responsible leadership. As Pompeo states, “Domestic issues pale in comparison to those abroad in poorer areas of the world. Global Medical Brigades is a perfect opportunity for students who wish to do their part in combating health issues abroad.”

Students will be responsible for recording family medical histories, teaching community members about proper hygiene techniques, filling out prescriptions, and “running intake, i.e. taking blood pressure, height, weight, etc.” Pre-health students interested in joining the trip will have the opportunity to shadow consulting physicians and dentists; interested female students will also be able to shadow OBGYN care.

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