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Sexperts Take New York City: The Museum of Sex

Pandas kept in captivity typically live in such small numbers, that they never witness the mating of any other pandas. This perpetuates their already low birth rate, thus threatening their very existence. To remedy this, scientists have developed literal “panda porn” – videos of pandas mating, in order to teach these gentle giants how to seal the deal. On a recent trip to the Museum of Sex in New York City with fellow sexpert, David Matteson, we explored the vast array of sexual commodities that the museum had to offer. A plethora of sexual factoids are all waiting to be uncovered at this sexually explicit museum. It is divided into four salacious sections: technology, history, animals, and art, all of which, have one thing in common – sex.

Above, these archaic vibrators were originally created to treat women diagnosed with hysteria. Prior to the invention of these devices, orgasm was induced by the manual massage of external genitalia by physicans.
Humans are not the only species that enjoy threesomes. This statue was one of the features included in the museum’s animal-themed exhibit. The section featured numerous facts about the surprisingly scandelous sex lives of animals: koalas commonly catch chlamydia and ducks have been reported to engage in necrofelia.
Humans are not the only species that enjoy threesomes. This statue was one of the features included in the museum’s animal-themed exhibit. The section featured numerous facts about the surprisingly scandelous sex lives of animals: koalas commonly catch chlamydia and ducks have been reported to engage in necrofelia.


Fellow Sexpert, David Matteson ‘15, admires a piece of sexually explicit art in the museum’s gallery. This piece was drawn on cardboard and depicts various graphic representations of intercourse.
Fellow Sexpert, David Matteson ‘15, admires a piece of sexually explicit art in the museum’s gallery. This piece was drawn on cardboard and depicts various graphic representations of intercourse.


This piece of art adds phalluses to well known pop-culture icons such as Scooby Doo, Rainbow Bright, and the Polo Ralph Lauren logo.
This piece of art adds phalluses to well known pop-culture icons such as Scooby Doo, Rainbow Bright, and the Polo Ralph Lauren logo.


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