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What’s Up Wellness: First Year Tips

The transition from high school to college can be stressful at times due to the unknown. Luckily, us Wellness Ambassadors have a few tips to help with that transition. Here are a few ways you can stay organized, get involved, and utilize the Rollins College resources for self-care:

Stay Organized

For first year students, the coursework load might feel intense at first. First tip: get a planner. Writing out tasks and commitments such as homework, study times, and work have been proven to show completion of actual work versus not writing it down. This is because when we write tasks down, we feel more compelled to complete them. Not to mention, this is always a great way to remind you of when an assignment is due. Second tip, create and stick to a schedule. If you schedule study sessions, self-care, and even sleep times, this will allow you to become more organized. 

Get Involved

Rollins College offers a multitude of organizations, on-campus jobs, sports teams, and clubs for students. Don’t know how to find them? Sign into your Get Involved Rollins Account at Press the left tab bar to view all Rollins College organizations.

A lot of students enjoy:

  1. Immersions: A short on-site trip to learn about a specific social/community issue.
  2. WPRK: Our student-run radio station.
  3. Lip Sync: An event in which organizations compete and perform songs.
  4. Sports Clubs / Teams.
  5. Fraternity / Sorority Life: There’s four fraternities and six sororities to choose from.
  6. EMBARK: Student leaders making an impact on campus and beyond through service, education, and chorus calling for change.

Self-Care Resources

Rollins provides many resources that encourage students to practice self-care, which can reduce stress and enhance your well-being. Prioritizing self-care can pave the way to continued success in school and work environments. Such resources include:

  1. Wellness Center: Student mental health facility that provides free therapy and health services, also where students can receive vaccines, shorts, and nurse practitioner care.
  2. Support groups: Rollins sends out emails when support groups are offered. This could be group therapy, Religious Bible study groups, Black student support space, Student Support Foundation (SSF), etc.  

Other ways to show selfcare include: getting enough sleep, eating 3 balanced meals a day, listening to music, watching your favorite movie, taking a nap, reading a book, lighting a candle, and going for a walk. These are just some simple ways to increase self-care. No matter the choice, the end goal is to reduce stress and increase happiness. Always remember to prioritize your health. 

Until next time, your local Wellness Ambassadors wish you a great semester! Fiat Lux!

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