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Sandspur Senior Goodbye: Alex Candage

Three and a half years ago, during my interview for a Sandspur copy editor position, the editor-in-chief asked me if I could see myself filling her role one day. I chuckled at the prospect, responding that I wasn’t sure. If I only knew that I would later become head copy editor and, for my senior year, editor-in-chief.

In my four years, I have seen The Sandspur go through major improvements as we have strived to establish ourselves in investigative journalism. The Sandspur looks completely different than it did four years ago, and the newspaper and its staff have pushed me to change, too, into a leader worthy of them. 

So I must say a wholehearted thank you to my predecessors Lauren Waymire, Alex Mariano, and Ellie Rushing for believing in me and encouraging me from day one. 

To Maura, my rock, my co-parent to our Sandspur baby, I am so happy beyond words that we did this together. I cannot imagine creating twenty-four issues despite a pandemic with anyone else. You are one of the kindest souls and most intelligent people I know, so don’t worry. Wherever you end up, they will be amazingly lucky. I already miss being in the Sandspur office with you.

To Heather and Hannah, I cannot imagine a better pair to hand our baby off to. I’m so proud of you both. Stay hardworking and steadfast, but remember to recharge, too. I know you are the best people to listen closely to your staff and diligently serve the student body during such a tumultuous time.

It feels incredibly wrong to be writing this goodbye and wrapping Sandspur production far away from campus. The Sandspur and Rollins have been constant homes for me the past four years, and a proper goodbye feels ripped away from all of us. Yet we continued to create online issues and rose to the occasion. 

I am so proud of and thankful for everyone on staff for taking this complete surprise in stride. I know that you all will continue to change and improve The Sandspur in ways I cannot yet imagine. But the core of The Sandspur—the voices of students—will remain constant, and I cannot wait to hear what the next generation of Sandspurians have to say.


Alex Candage

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