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Emails: How Many is Too Many?

If you’re like me, chances are you have your Rollins email synced to your smart phone which means you hear some sort of sound, or in my case a loud and obnoxious bird chirp, a hundred times a day alerting you of a new email. If you’re like me, but don’t have a smart phone then you probably miss a lot of emails because you don’t check them regularly. If you aren’t like me at all and you don’t have a smart phone but check your email every day then kudos to you. But in any manner, you receive numerous amounts of emails whether you read them or not.

Before college even started my email was flooded with information about OMA, OCE, OSE, and the notorious crew email that always seemed to reach me at 2 am every day. And although most of the time I find myself deleting uninteresting or irrelevant emails, I have on a myriad of occasions found myself interested in an email I would have never seen if I had just deleted it based on the school organization that sent it or the subject line. You can find information about every event held on the Rollins campus and many off campus events in an email somewhere. Laura Sullivan stated, “I usually try to read the emails about on campus events because it’s fun to get involved.” Many students are interested in the speakers that they hear about through emails or through other students who actually read the emails. But in any case information about events circulates through the emails as interested or uninterested as you may be.

Then there are the emails that provide useful information that should certainly be read before deleted, such as any email you may receive from a residential assistant in relation to floor meetings, restricted kitchen use, or even an email stating that the floor is going to be charged for damage or inconsideration of a shared living space. Maybe a teacher sends you an email about a homework assignment, a quiz the following day or a class cancellation. And let’s not forget about the important timely notifications we receive every so often to keep us informed about the dangers on campus. Yet the most important information you could receive through your email is that by the honor council; it would not be good to miss an email from the honor council about a hearing for plagiarism or alcohol violations.

So there are the emails providing information for interesting events and there are the emails that contain pertinent information. But then there are the emails that are uninteresting and not important that we just delete without hesitation. There are rumors about a system change that will allow us to only receive emails about events or information we care about. So I asked Pat Schoknecht, the chief information officer, if they are planning on a system change.

So will there be a way to cipher out emails and only receive the ones that are important? Sorry but no. We will just have to learn how to deal with the numerous amounts of emails. And expect an email about the next article meeting for The Sandspur.

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